Nigeria Telephone Directory

Trace Nigeria Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 1031 Nigeria Businesses on Pincode 100001. Nigeria has a population of 195,875,237 and there are thousands of businesses in Nigeria whose numbers are available for Nigeria Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Nigeria Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 1031 businesses number on pincode 100001 in Nigeria.

Cell Number Business Name
2347037376134 Kelma Merchandise Int'l Ltd
2348035718127 Carl-Dave Global Ventures Musical Instrument
2348140000013 H F C
2349048254636 Jumia Yaba Office
2347025225396 Grocery Bazaar Satellite Town Lagos
2347025225396 Grocery Bazaar Ltd, Ejigbo Lagos
2348131724266 Cold Stone Creamery Yaba
2348149906767 So Fresh Yaba
2348178053183 RemLads Global
2348103554470 Windove Mart, Abule Osorun, Ibeshe
2348130451371 Ultra Tees
2349075195543 Lagos nigeria Ojo
2349023049127 Zainab Oriflame beauty and cosmetics store
2348034383377 Grocery Bazaar
2348149069442 Flawlessivy Cosmetics
2348031933946 Yags& Excel Brand.
2348062958935 The Amazon Empire
2347081580476 Asoebi4naija
2348181081500 V Serve
2348090663929 Adewale Ayuba and The Bonsue Fuji Band
2347082658889 Green Harvest agricultural value chain ent.
2349070924258 Ruff 'n' Tumble Opebi Store
2347041118888 office eveything Oregun Ikeja
2348170292976 Apple Tulip Cakes
Cell Number Business Name
2347018456092 Alexandria Flame
2348059211603 Queensdee Cakes N Crafts
2349082708391 MBC FRAMES
2348022213130 Stone Coated Roofing Tiles & Doors
2347032896271 DFORTUNE Pest-Solutions Ltd.
2347036884558 Joedon Interiors
23415010167 Spectranet Ikorodu
2348037015803 Longrich_chiomsky1
2348111181219 El_Amir Austerity
2348168201415 Paramount watches Online store
2348055919455 Luxury Home Furniture
2348023083667 Biril Clothing co.
2348123413176 lifeofmari
2348031933946 Yags& Excel Brand.
2348111599035 Sexpenditure
2348136800470 Jumia Yaba
2348052944763 The Accessories Lounge Nigeria/No 1 Wholesale Jewelry Store in Lagos,Nigeria
2349056155738 KONGA EXPRESS
2349063056719 Jumia Yaba Pickup Station
2348096551958 Fumzy Lagos
2348188387960 Poshkollect
2348165973682 CNY Fashion House
2348033015346 Penderie



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Nigeria like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Nigeria Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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