Information about +234 703 377 0071

Trace Owner details of +234 703 377 0071


+234 703 377 0071 is business number, listed for Barbing saloon. The contact address of +234 703 377 0071 is 12, Gama B, Nasarawa, 700001, Kano, Nigeria.

Business Name Barbing saloon
Business Pincode 700001
Business Address 12, Gama B, Nasarawa, 700001, Kano, Nigeria

Browse Other Numbers:

Cell Number Business Name
+234 813 309 4473 Firstmonie Agent - ALHASSAN
+234 1 280 5833 Union Bank ATM
+234 803 875 7507 Xpress Point - JIMOH ABDULRASHEED SULAIMAN
+234 706 901 1290 First Bank
+234 814 939 7002 Xpress Point - ABBAS MUSAB SANI
Cell Number Business Name
+234 806 336 6633 Xpress Point - AUWALU ABDULLAHI YUNUSA
+234 803 046 9006 Yunusman General Enterprises
+234 901 173 4614 Access Closa Agent - Mubarak
+234 803 970 2753 LAMIN SHARIF LIMAN
+234 708 888 2766 SAHALU IBRAHIM UMAR

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